finding balance and alignment through energy healing & spiritual tools

Welcome to the Tribe

I don’t believe in coincidences, so our connection today is by no accident, my friend.

When you take into consideration that every form of matter on Mother Earth has an “energy” or “vibration” — it becomes logical that we are surrounded by both high and low frequencies all day. These frequencies come from our environment, television, social media, workplace, and people in general, which in turn affects our own vibrations or energy vortices known as chakras.

We have hundreds of chakras but typically focus on the main seven during energy clearings. Chakras that are bombarded all day by external energies may hold on to those energies. If they are not cleared, they become suppressed within the body — manifesting problems physically, mentally, and emotionally.

As a certified Crystal Energy Worker and Reiki Master, I embrace and honor the power of these energies and help to transform and move them, so they don’t become stuck and manifest within our bodies. Remember, any energy that is causing “Dis-Ease” within the body will become “disease” if not dealt with.

As each one of us does our own healing work, we raise our consciousness as a collective and change the vibration of not only your own timeline but Mother Earth as a whole. That is a beautiful thing, my friend.


Chris Hartje

As we all continue to evolve, this site will as well. Stay tuned for details and updates!

Warriors of the Rainbow

Calling all Warriors to gather in Sacred Ceremony as we connect and heal our hearts together through Drumming, Cacao, and Sound Journey.

with Chris & Donna Hartje


Crystal Healing
Sage Clearing
Reiki Energy Healing


Warriors of the Rainbow
Drum Circle, Cacao Ceremony, & Sound Journey


Candles with Intention
Hand-Crafted Sage Bundles
Crystals, Tools, & More…

Prayer Bowl

Every now and then we find that we could use a little extra prayer in our lives. Maybe that intention is for you or a loved one who may be struggling personally, physically, mentally, financially — we’ve all been there.

Add a prayer to the prayer bowl and we will include your prayer in ceremony to amplify it.

follow the journey

follow the journey